According to News in Health, a healthier mind results into a healthier life. So we developed a watch that will help people react to their own and other people’s
emotions, giving support in stressful situations and therefore benefiting the user’s health.
Most adolescents struggle with their emotions and with the development of technology, the
demand for a digital support system has grown. Lozzi is the answer to this demand, as it was
designed for and with the user.
So, what makes Lozzi unique? It uses facial recognition to recognize emotions. Simple
pictograms will tell the user what’s best to do in his or her situation. Lozzi can also be
personalized, so the user can get the appropriate feedback: telling a teen to start cleaning in
order to calm down will not be affective. Lastly, Lozzi preserves the user’s privacy as to the
rest of the world, it will look like he or she is using an ordinary (E-)watch.
Project with Tim Berends, Jeanine de Leeuw, and Suzan van Baal

Expertise Areas
Creativity & Asthetics
Worked with Adobe Illustrator for the first time and developed the digital look and feel models
User & Society
Conducted all user-tests and expert interviews, while taking into account the special needs of the user. Also made sure other cultures and their differences were taken into account whilst developing the product
Math, Data & Computing
Developed the facial recognition program, which was able to recognise the emotions of people at a distance of 0.5 meters