Do you know that feeling when you’re in a great workflow and forget about time? Feels good, doesn’t it?
One thing that can interrupt or block that workflow is time. For example, when you’re working and you have a meeting at 3 o’ clock so you check your phone to see how much time you have left, and keep doing that at least half an hour before you have to leave for your meeting. During that half an hour, keep worrying about every single minute that passes: 18 minutes, 11, 7… Instead of being able to fully focus on your work, you’re worrying about single minutes that in the end don’t even matter. That’s why we developed Coney.
Coney is a device that allows you to keep on working without having to worry about time, because it does that for you. You simply place it on your desk and wait for it to fall over: when it does that it’s time for you to leave for your next appointment. It synchronises with your google calendar. Based on how much time is left before an appointment, a weight inside Coney moves up, which makes Coney increasingly more unstable allowing it to fall over when it’s time to leave, but also allowing you to feel how much time there is left, before you have to go by feeling how unstable it is. And, if you feel like you need 5 minutes extra before leaving, you simply pick Coney up when it has fallen over, and it will be upright again for another 5 minutes.
So, instead of worrying about time, we suggest you take it to the peripheral by using Coney and allow yourself to hold on to that great workflow.
Project with Aabharan Hemanth and Karel Aarts

Expertise Areas
Creativity & Asthetics
Tested the look and feel and created the final look of the product
Technology & Realisation
Developed the plan for how the technology should work together with Aabharan
User & Society
Conducted user-tests for the look and feel and the concept of falling over with lo-fi prototypes, by using tested methods