Data Enabled Design


During the course Data Enabled Design, my team-mates and I dove into a data-enabled design process that explores self-reflection through abstract self-reported data acquisition. During this course I learned to use data as a creative tool.

During the course, we were told to perform a data-enabled design project, where we would use the input from data from start to finish in the regular iterative design cycle. We focussed on a tool which kept track of the user’s mood throughout several weeks. Because of the data-enabled design process, we were able to adjust the tool halfway through to better fit the user’s needs.

Before doing this course I had worked with data before, but never in a design project. It was interesting to see how well the analysis of data fit into my already existing practice, and supported the iterative process of designing.

My main learning point was how to use data as creative input, which happened in the beginning of the project especially. Instead of looking at what we would like to make, or what the user told us, we only looked at what happened in the data we had gathered so far, and used this to continue to a mood tracking tool. It made us go into the mapping of different locations on the final product, something which was inspired by the sliders used in the first iteration.